As an Eastern European, nude beaches were a regular occurrence for me as a child, but for some reason in my awkward teen years and into my early 20’s – showing skin was just NOT for me. My mom ( I think) was okay with sending me there because I needed to grow out of being a constantly covered up tomboy and learn to be more comfortable with my body. You read that right, my parents paid for my trip to a ‘swingers resort.’ At the time, I just figured this was a great idea because it was an 18+ resort and I wouldn’t have to deal with any children running around. Here’s a great explanation as to how I ended up on the pursuit of self-indulgence in the summer of 2010, I traveled alone to Hedonism Resort ( also known as Hedonism II/Hedonism 2) in Negril, Jamaica as a gift from my parents for getting accepted into the prestigious University of Toronto. The ethical theory that pleasure (in the sense of the satisfaction of desires) is the highest good and proper aim of human life. Synonyms:self-indulgence, pleasure-seeking, self-gratification, lotus-eating, sybaritism More The pursuit of pleasure sensual self-indulgence.